My DVR watches American Idol. I just skip past the 30 mins of commercials.
My favorite part of Idol season is:
Vote For The Worst2.
Dial IdolDial Idol predicts who will get kicked off by testing the phone lines to see how often they are busy for each idol. While not as accurate as it was before the lawsuit, it saves you from watching the results show. Why do we let them drag it out for 30 mins just for the 1 min of info we actually care about?
Vote for the Worst tries to buck the system to gain support for the worst singer. This may help explain why Sanjaya was around so long.
Both of these bring me to my real point. Individuals have so much power these days (ignore 20 years of failed Rock the Vote) and the internet can help people get together. Here are some
Flash Mob examples.
But our government is still a mess. They spend more time trying to stay elected than trying to get anything done. These tax rebates are a great example of this. The economy will not rebound out of a recession because we gave people some money to spend on Chinese imports. But I am beyond being frustrated with this situation because 10 years of Survivor should tell us that winners are never the most liked, most qualified, most athletic, most deserving, they are somewhere in the middle.
Traveling to Toronto and fielding questions from Canadians about our election process and why it has to take 2 years gives you a good objective view at how out of hand our system has become.
My hope for the future is that there is a web site where people can vote on the priorities and work plans for their elected officials.
This session you will:
Pass an alternative energy bill
Fix Social Security
Repeal the Patriot Act
You will not:
Hold hearings on Steroids or Spygate
And like any good W&DP, if they fall short of their goals given to them by those who elect them, then you vote them out of office.
How much more efficient would our government be if everyone went to work knowing this was their only term if they didn't get things done?
The special interest groups will continue to get their way in the government, because right now they hold the only key ($Money$) to getting these candidates re-elected.
The power people have is to ignore the money and vote out anyone catering to special interests, but we aren't efficient in getting together so we lose that power.
To help bridge the gap until that system is created, I think we need to start with VoteThemOut.com. Where we get together to vote out every single incumbent until the overall satisfaction with the government goes up (is 50% satisfaction really too much to ask of our government?).