\/ (Here is an ascii scroll arrow crica 1995)
If I am right, you probably said Friday (If I am wrong I'll present some data in the chart on how you are actually wrong).
I agree, but why Friday? You have to work on friday? Is the promise of a weekend better than the actual weekend? It should be Saturday. Saturday is the only day you get to sleep in, do whatever you want, and not have to wake up to go to work.
There is a neat website called MoodyOrNot.com (Could be done better w/ Geo targeting etc) They take users mood data and colect it to see trends.
Saturday is pretty good, but for all the reasons above it should be a better day. And Sunday drops way off. I thought when I started working full time that I enjoyed Sundays more because I didn't have to think about when to start my homework. But if you ask Rachel, she'll say I get in a bad mood on Sundays (especially if I spend it in a mall).
I have trouble explaining it but when I am in a Mall on the weekend I feel like "They" are winning and I am losing (the same "They" from Elizabethtown - A+). I feel like it is a big scam to get people to work all week then build a strip mall near by to have them spend their weekends their giving all of their money to the stores (can't the stores go to work for me to cut out the middle man?).
So I guess I should focus on my "Strengths" from Strength Finder and spend more time on those things in my free time. Lets see how I have been doing:
Learner- A DVR is key for this. I wake up on saturday and I have some Modern Marvels or a Nova special. The other day I stayed up to 2am to see a WWII special and realized we did not learn enough about that war in school.
Focus- This one is tough for me, it means I would love to carve out most of a day reading 1 book but I tend to get distracted. Hence The Tipping Point still sitting on my Current Book list even though I have picked up Trading Up.
Futuristic-I've always worried about the future. I still think cell phone towers will disappear once a network of 300 million cell phones is powerful enough to transfer calls by itself (imagine the programming to find a path of cell phones from NY to LA to relay your call).
Intellection- Being married is great for this. Rachel and I talk a lot about the theories of things as we encounter them. I can't imagine being married to anyone else where we couldn't talk like this.
Analytical- Wikipedia is great for this. Academics may knock the accuracy, but I find people tend to include more of the important things you really want to know. I am working on the data of why there will never be a playoffs in Div IA football due to the Bowl money scams (Did you know the Big 10 gets to split about $34 million/year, while Boise St had to split their $9 million from their BCS game with 5 non BCS conferences)
I guess my point is as much as I look forward to time off for Thanksgiving and the Winter Solstice, I tend not to maximize the use of that time off (3 football games a day doen't help either).
i'm all about Friday's. by the time work ends and i'm "free" i've already forgotten everything i did that whole day! :)
I gotta go with Saturday. It's the one day where you can sleep in and go to bed late.
As always, great blog.
I'm with Karen on this in that I prefer Friday's. My rationale would be that it is both anticipatory of the weekend to come (specifically Saturday as Dave noted the greatness of that day), as well as a sense of completion of another work week.
I will give you points for trying to prove us wrong though :)
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