Saturday, October 27, 2007

2007 Nobel Peace Prize

I am all for Al Gore and the IPCC winning the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on Climate Change.

There are some (on Digg and Fox News) that are against it but I am all for it.
They say:
"Historically" big political figures who mediate some peace treaty etc have won the award.

1.In a "Flat World" you will no longer have to be in a government position to have an impact on the world.

2. This isn't the fist time the award has stretched a bit beyond obvious conflict resolution.

1964 - MLK
1979 - Mother Teresa
1999 - Doctors without Borders
2006- Yunus and the Grameen Bank for micro credit lending to the poor (one my favorites)

And Al Gore using his semi celebrity status has had a huge impact on how people evaluate their values and priorities.