Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Morning...

This week, the battery in the remote of our Bose alarm clock died.
It is impossible to shut of the alarm without the remote, so I have been using a travel alarm.

This has ended my streak of over 2 years of waking up to this song:

Any new suggestions?


Anonymous said...

NO!!!! we're replacing the battery as soon as we get back from our stint in the woods, and will forever continue to wake up to this song. i love it too much.

Dale said...

I always thought this song was so depressing! I gotta think of a more positive song for you to wake up to...

Tom said...

For a semester in college my roommate and I woke up to "Uncle John's Band". I think you got to go with something a little more peppy, like "Eye of the Tiger" or "Final Countdown"

Karen said...

How about "its the end of the world as we know it"?

Tom said...

How about "Take this job and shove it"