Thursday, March 22, 2007


Who says I'm not down with the modern music?


Anonymous said...

i think i'm gonna start a blog. this "community" needs some spice.

Karen said...

that's too funny!!!

and YES, rachel shoudl start a blog!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

maybe i will just start my blog on your blog comments. because i can't really have a blog. it's title? blog within a blog.

today i saw a girl i went to elementary school with. her name is holly. and i never really liked her because she always had a very "water noodles" personality. you know what i'm talking about... spaghetti without sauce, macaroni without cheese. well, anyway, i saw her. and it's weird because i haven't seen her since i moved to kansas in 5th grade. and there she was, crossing the street in downtown cincy, some girl from mrs. raszka's class. but it wasn't just some girl, any girl, from rosedale elementary... it was THE girl. THE girl who ruined several of my most favorite, most special days. how? by sharing it with me. yes, this girl i saw randomly crossing the street happened to be the only other kid in my elementary school to have the same birthday as me. and she still has the same hair cut. the moral of my story? i notice hair styles, ladies. and shoes.

Martha said...

and I'm commenting on your blog w/in a blog.....

first of all, why can't you have a blog? I agree with Karen that you should start a blog!

another apparent moral of your story: you don't like sharing your birthday. With anyone. That's ok. I don't like sharing mine, either (Ok. that's not true. I don't know what it'd be like to not share my bday anyway. Speaking of which. Does Dave and his twin acknowledge each others birthdays? Kathy and I don't give each other cards, gifts, anything (except a verbal happy birthday wish), however, we do for our other siblings.....)

Martha said...

hahaha. I just posted a comment ON Dave's Blog, TO RACHEL's blog w/in a blog and asked HER a question about DAVE and his twin...

Anonymous said...

NO! dave and tom don't really acknowledge their birthdays. or any other holiday, for that matter. but dave does get their other brother presents, etc. it's weird. dave doesn't really even acknowledge that he has a twin at all, and i think it was several dates before he even told me that he had one.

i can't start a blog because i don't have a good title for one. and because i don't want people to read it.

Dale said...

But if you start a blog on Dave's blog, then no one will read it... I get it.

Karen said...

i love rachel's blog!

i love martha's comment!

how interesting that twins don't recognize each other's birthday's formally... hmmmmm...