Monday, March 12, 2007


Do not watch 'Zodiac'.
It looks like a great scary/suspense movie on the previews.
It ends up being the longest movie to go nowhere.
The movie is 2 hrs 40 mins long and feels much longer than that. The killer and his crimes are not the focus of the movie. It is the people on the police force and the
newspaper who become obsessed with finding the killer. It is very slow
and they spend 2 hrs following bad leads.In fact 2 complete main
characters are removed from the story before things even get going. And
the only good, scary "is this the killer" part turns out to be wrong
but never explained. Oh, and after the movie "ends" they throw up 3 pages of text to wrap things up that they couldn't cover in 2 hrs and 40 mins.

Grade: F (if you rent it and have people over, I'm not coming.)

In other news, Rachel got into Christ Nursing School and will start in Aug. I am glad she found out while I was in town. I've already started to say "helloo nurse" around the house. (To be honest, that really started a while ago.)


Karen said...

and it's not a hard stretch to hear you say "helllo nurse" in MANY different tones depending on your mood

Anonymous said...

yay for me!!!

Dale said...

Helllooooo Nurse! I know EXACTLY where that comes from!

Because their Animanicas...

Congrats Rachel! (BTW, you don't hafta send me a thank you card for that)